About Tovarishev

45 ° 21′13 ″ N 19 ° 19′30 ″ E / 45.3536 ° N 19.3250 ° E

Tovariševo is a village in Bačka, in the municipality of Bačka Palanka in the South Bačka District. According to the 2011 census, there were 2,657 inhabitants. It is located 14 km northwest of Backa Palanka. Before it got the name it bears today, it was called Banca, Mindsent, Kapolc, Machal, Seplak… There are Orthodox and Catholic churches in the village. The backbone is the story of the Protić family and every generation of this family was famous… He got a street, a monument, a memorial park, the village school and the local KUD bear his name. A memorial plaque to Gavril Princip was erected in the village, as well as a fountain dedicated to Leader Karadjordj, which is decorated with a mosaic-fresco by Ava Justin (Popovic) Celijski, one of the most important Serbian theologians of the new era. Tovariševo has a football club founded in 1924, its hunters and fishermen, events such as the "Golden Cauldron" and motocross competitions.