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Program for the Danube Ball 2022
The organizer of the Dunavski Ball event is the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Bačka Palanka, and the sponsor is the Municipality of Bačka Palanka. PROGRAM FOR THE DANUBE BALL 2022: THURSDAY 07.07.2022. 16:00 -...
Regatta "Waters of Vojvodina" on Saturday in Backa Palanka
The last city that the "Waters of Vojvodina" regatta 2022 will visit is Bačka Palanka, where it will sail on Saturday, July 2, between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. On the coast...
Danube Day 2022 in Bačka Palanka
BAČKA PALANKA - International Danube Day was celebrated on June 29 in Bačka Palanka, on the town beach. Already traditionally, the Tourism Organization of the municipality of Bačka Palanka, the program...
Danube Day 2022 - Announcement of the event
Danube Day, a traditional event intended for the youngest, will be held on the city beach this year, organized by the Tourism Organization of the municipality of Bačka Palanka. The date of the event is Wednesday...
Temporary suspension of traffic on the section Gložan-Begeč
From the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Backa Palanka comes a notice that from 24.06. until 01.08.2022. year, there will be a suspension of traffic due to increased maintenance work, on...
Најава – Такмичење у кувању ловачког котлића у Визићу
У суботу (31.08.) на локацији поред фудбалског терена, биће...
“Једна песма, једна жеља” долази у Бачку Паланку
У четвртак, 15. августа, на платоу испред Ерсте банке,...
Програм манифестације „исПИТАј се у Обровцу“
У суботу (10.08.), у организацији Удружења жена „Свилен конац“...