Jovana D


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Promotion of the book "ATOS-method" in Bačka Palanka

The promotion of the book "ATOS-Method" by Milenko Vlajkov will be held on Friday, October 14. in the Gymnasium "20. October" starting at 7:30 p.m. The promotion will be led by author Milenko...

"Danube Bridge" event in Bačka Palanka

Organized by the Women's Association "Golden Hands", on Saturday (October 15) on the plateau in front of the Bačka Palanka Municipality building, the tenth "Danube Bridge" will be held. The event is...

Exhibited at "Tastes of Vojvodina"

The Municipality of Bačka Palanka and the Tourism Organization of the Municipality of Bačka Palanka exhibited at the "Tastes of Vojvodina" event last weekend in Limanski Park in Novi Sad, and...

"Grandma's Pantry" in Bačka Palanka

On Saturday, September 24, the "Grandma's Pantry" event will be held in the center of Bačka Palanka. It is a fair of domestic products. "Grandma's Pantry" is organized by the Association of Citizens "Stav",...

"Hiking Day" in Bačka Palanka on September 10

The mountaineering organization PSD "RAVNIČAR" Bačka Palanka and the Mountaineering Association of Serbia are organizing "Hiking Day", which will be held on September 10 under the slogan "A STEP CLOSER TO HEALTH". Recreational...


Јавни конкурс за доделу бесповратних средстава удружењима грађана – манифестације

На основу члана 11. Покрајинске скупштинске одлуке о буџету...

Јавни конкурс за доделу бесповратних средстава за развој туристичког потенцијала

На основу члана 11. Покрајинске скупштинске одлуке о буџету...

Пливање за Богојављенски крст на језеру „Провала“

Традиционално пливање за Богојављенски крст, биће одржано у недељу,...