Manifestations of the municipality of Bačka Palanka


It is organized in the municipality of Backa Palanka over 50 events. Mostly events of entertainment, sports and cultural character, local significance.

  • Sveti Trifun ", February 14, Neštin, organized by the Association of Winemakers, Winegrowers and Fruit Growers from Neštin
  • "May Day dawn", May 1, Karadjordjevo, organized by VU Karadjordjevo,
  • "Ethno Shore", first half of July, Backa Palanka, organized by the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Backa Palanka
  • "Danube Ball", first half of July, Backa Palanka, organized by the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Backa Palanka,
  • "Festival of Ecological Theater for Children and Youth", second half of August, Backa Palanka

For a brief overview of the abundance of events in our municipality, below you can read the list of events in progress 2019.

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