Danube is our greatest treasure, and together with the Tikvara Nature Park it forms a unique whole of the coast.
Tikvara is the largest wintering ground for white fish on the Danube and this water is rich in carp, large specimens of pike, perch, catfish and many other species of fish. ABOUT
The organization and development of sport fishing on the Danube is taken care of by fishing associations that issue appropriate fishing permits.
6 smaller lakes-ponds were built in the area of Silbaš. Here, the caves have been turned into lakes, ie fishponds, which means that they are located in the peripheral parts of the settlement. The size of individual lakes ranges from 30 acres to 2 ha. Water depth is up to 2m. The fishponds are supplied with water from underground retentions with the help of drilled wells. Jamure-bare was created as a result of digging the earth to make bricks or bricks. It is believed that the oldest jamura near the railway station was created during the construction of the railway.
An artificial lake in the induction plane of the Danube, between the industrial zone in which "Sintelon" is located and the Danube. It has the shape of an irregular trapezoid 210 m long. The eastern part of the lake is 200m wide and the western about 150m. The excavator is reached from the Danube from the east, by a canal 1000 m long and 50-70 m wide. The lake and the canal were built after the flood of 1966. The embankment was built between the canal and the lake on the south side and "Sintelona" on the north side. At low water level, the lake is about 2 m deep, which is enough for barges with gravel to enter it. The lake is also used by sport fishermen, and on its shore there is a smaller beach as well as the restaurant "Kaloš-čarda".
Lovrenac is an abandoned branch of the Danube whose contours can be followed all the way to Bački Novi Selo. Only the deeper parts of this bed have water throughout the year.
Between Lovrenac and the western part of the Bukinski creek is a low, often flooded foreland (Bukinski rit) in which there is a large number of ponds that dry up in the warmer parts of the year, while Lovrenac in the area of Mladenov has water throughout the whole year.
Just 1.5 km downstream from the entrance of the Danube to the territory of the Bačkopalana municipality, near the village of Mohova, a canal was dug that represents one of the largest hydrotechnical projects on the Danube in the second half of the 19th century. The canal was built in 1892-1893. This channel, in addition to shortening the waterway, cut off the large Bukinski meander, which today is called Bukinski ruvac or Old Danube. It is located near Mladenov, and between it and the excavated canal is Šarengradska ada. The Mohovo canal between river km 1308 and 1314 is 4.2 km long and the waterway here is shortened by 8 km thanks to the canal. The width of the waterway in the canal, once about 200m wide and today 280-500m, at low water level was 30m. This made navigation very difficult as passing ships was impossible. Navigation was hindered by numerous eddies as well as increased water speed, and underwater rocks caused the most problems.
The Mohovan trench was not completely successful because during the digging, a 190 cm thick conglomerate slab was found that was not removed, as well as some more protruding bones. The last major works in the channel were carried out between 1934 and 1935, and 7,400 cubic meters of rock-gravel material was extracted. This improved the navigability because the waterway has been widened, so it is now 90m, and the minimum depth is slightly higher. The average depths in the Mohovan Channel are between 554 and 343m, which is favorable for navigation. The width of the Mohawk Channel has been significantly increased and is still increasing today. This is contributed by the reduced width in the upstream part, solid rocks in the bed that prevent deep erosion and non-resistant alluvial sediments on the banks. Vertical banks 2-4m high were created by continuous edging. In recent years, the silence in the canal has been disturbed by muffled rumblings caused by the collapse of the submerged bank and the impact of materials and tall poplar trees into the water. In order to prevent further expansion of the channel, which sometimes reaches 500 m, in its lower part, along the right bank, a 798 m long coastal fortification was built in 1964. In the following period, the determination of the upstream part continues, so that today the entire right bank of the canal is protected from erosion. It is necessary to do the same with the left bank along Šarengradska ada. At the very entrance to the Mohovski channel, where it separates from the Bukinska ruac, on the "Upper Spitz" of Šarengradska ada, a 30m-long bank of fortifications was built on both sides. From the wider upstream part, the water was directed from the back side in the direction of the canal, created a large rapid that flows over the point at such a speed that a good part of the stone was carried away, even though the pieces were heavier than 50 kg. This rapid and the eddies between it and Šarengradska ada created a depth of up to 13 m.
Source: Ada Šarengradska, Vladimir Zobundžija, Šarengrad in 2017
After World War II, Backa received a whole series of new canals, in addition to the reconstructed old canalized rivers. All canals, both old and new, today represent a unique hydro-system Danube-Tisa-Danube. The main canal in the DTD system is 130 km long in Bačka, and 143 km in Banat. The main task of this canal is to accept all excess water from central Bačka and finally from Hungary around the Kiđoš river. This canal should be used for irrigation in its vicinity and for river traffic. In addition to this main canal, several more were built, which have the task of carrying out drainage as well as irrigation. Thus, there are new channels between Savino Selo and Novi Sad, Bogojevo and Srpski Miletić, Karavukovo and Bački Petrovac, on Jegrička and several shorter ones.
In all these channels, water flows from west to east. The Danube is 10m higher than the Tisza, and based on that, it is able to supply the main channel with sufficient amounts of water. But when there is a low water level on the Danube, then water is pumped into the canals using a large pump that is placed west of Bezdan towards Batina. The difference in height between these rivers is bridged over several bridges with locks for ships.
Source: Dr. Barnislav Bukurov, Backa, Banat and Srem
The total length of the basic canal network in Bačka is 420.8 km. In the area of southwestern Backa, which is managed by the water company "Dunav" from Backa Palanka, there is 98 km of canal network. Of that, about 30 km belongs to the municipality of Bačkopalana, and that is the largest part of the Karavukovo-Bački Petrovac canal (23 km) and a smaller part of the Novi Sad-Savino Selo canal (about 7 km) in the Despotova Hatar. The channels have a continuous south-easterly dip which allows for gravity runoff. They are routed through low areas, threatened by shallow underground and excess surface water, and drainage is the primary task of the canal. Another task of this canal is to provide irrigation during hot summer days when the plants do not have enough moisture. To this end, the canals offer good opportunities, but the water is not used enough. In addition to the mentioned two canals, ameliorative needs are made possible by a detailed canal network. Canal waters can also be used for water supply. They are not of such quality that they were used for the water supply of settlements, but they can be used for the needs of industry, which saves significant amounts of better quality groundwater. The basic canal network has an important traffic task. The Novi Sad-Savino Selo canal connects the Bečej-Bogojevo canal with the Danube near Novi Sad. A permanent connection with the Danube is made possible by the locks near Novi Sad and Bogojevo. The dimensions of the Noi Sad-Savino Selo canal are such that single-row convoys with vessels of 1,000t capacity and a draft of up to 2.1m can sail through it in both directions. The Bački Petrovac-Karavukovo canal, which is connected to the Bečej-Bogojevo canal near Bački Petrovac, has smaller possibilities. The part of the canal upstream of B.Petrovac, in a length of 20 km, with its dimensions, allows one-way navigation for ships with a carrying capacity of up to 1,000 tons and a draft of up to 2.1 m, and a two-way navigation for 500-ton objects, while the entire length can accommodate ships with a draft of up to 1.5 m.
The quality of the water in the canals is very similar to the quality of the Danube water that comes into the canal through the catchment near Bogojevo. This means that it belongs to either class II or class III, which is water that can be used for irrigation and fish farming. The canals represent very favorable habitats for the life of Danube fish species, especially for carp, catfish, perch, grass carp, walleye and white fish. Water from the canal is also used for breeding fish in ponds. The regime of the water level in the canals depends on the regime of the Danube and the will of man, i.e. needs, which means that it is controlled. With the help of the constitution, water is released into and out of the canals and maintained at the desired level. The detailed canal network consists of smaller melioration canals that flow into the canals of the basic canal network or into the Danube. They usually consist of a main channel and its smaller tributaries, which form unique channel systems. Each canal system drains a corresponding watershed. In addition to this basic purpose, canals can also be used for irrigation. The canals of the detailed canal network are laid out so that the water towards the Danube and the canals can flow by gravity.