Where are you going for May 1st?

The favorite picnic spots of the people of Bačko Palanka for the May Day dawn are Karađorđevo, Bagremara, the banks of the Danube along the embankment.


Traditionally, the May Day dawn in Karadjordjevo is organized this year as well. The patron of the event is the Municipality of Backa Palanka, and the organizers are the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, the Karadjordjevo Military Institution, the Karadjordjev Equestrian Club and the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Backa Palanka.

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Acacia - places occupied

One of the most favorite places in Bačka Palanka for the May Day dawn is Bagremara. In the organization of the Red Cross of Backa Palanka, the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Backa Palanka and the Municipality of Backa Palanka, this year, 2019, the May Day dawn will be organized in Bagremara.

The traditional venue is the Red Cross resort, but it should be noted that the interest in this area is growing from year to year, so the seats have been reserved since the beginning of this year.

As every year, the space will be adequately prepared to receive guests.

Danube banks

The area that receives the most people for May 1 is the banks of the Danube. On both sides of the embankment along the Danube, the people of Bačko Palanka like to spend the May Day holidays.

In order to take good seats, we recommend that you take them at least a day in advance.

NOTE: There are a lot of ticks in nature at this time of year. It is advisable to check yourself and your children often.

NOTE: We ask all users of public areas to protect nature, and to clean the places they will use behind them. Also take care of open flames in order to prevent fire.